Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Gathering

             All of us on the blog belong to the Indiana Writer’s Center.  Each year the Center has their annual “Gathering of Writers”, a daylong event for members to get together and extend their pinky fingers over coffee and exchange ideas and listen to guest speakers.

            I have been going every year for a long time and I am glad to know that Heather and Randy are going this year.  It is good to pump pinkies with people you know.  I always look forward to the event every year as there is a pretty good keynote speaker with great creds, and lots of great breakout sessions of various topics satisfying all writers.  Most of the teachers of sessions are professors from universities who teach various writing courses around the State. 

            The venue is large and set up in such a way as to allow you to chat with fellow writers if you choose to sit out a session.  There is also a lot of published work for sale on site on the subject on writing.  And for the four of us, we might even find out what a dangling participle is.  If you are reading this and live within the State of Indiana, it would be worth your time and effort to make the trip to take in the Gathering of Writers this Saturday.  Details can be found online at the Indiana Writers Center.  Look for us and say hi.

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